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Buying An Existing Optician Practice

First of all, congratulations on taking the next step toward optician practice ownership. WeSellOpticians is UK’s leading optician practice sales broker. In this article we outline the advantages of buying an existing optician practice.

There are many advantages of buying an existing optician practice!!

Low Risk Investment

Buying an existing optician practice is considered a low risk investment compared to starting one from scratch. With a new start up comes costs from renting new premises, hiring new employees, education and training, equipment, furnishings, marketing, and more. Unlike a new optician practice, an existing one may include most of these in the asking price, depending on the transaction. Plus, banks see buying an established optician practices as low risk because they are proven success, unlike new ones that can be experimental.


Current Staff

When buying an existing optician practice, the employees that are loyal will most likely want to see it succeed. You won’t need to train them, and they can help you along the way if you are new to running a business. In addition to a well trained staff, existing employees can also provide key intel into the overall operations. Their experience working with the previous owner can shed light on the positives and the negatives of the optician practice.



If you’re not already an expert in the optical industry, buying an existing optician practice is a great way to learn the ropes. Both the staff and previous owner are excellent sources of information and insight, so it’s best to keep an open line of communication when going through the process.

Established Patient Base

Along with the employees, loyal patients will want to see the business succeed as well. These patients will have the insight to help you improve the optician practice further, so be sure to research their experiences to see how you can enhance their future ones.


Furnishings Fittings and Equipment

In most business deals, the transaction includes furnishings, fittings and equipment. These can usually be very expensive and the costs can sky rocket. So its another big advantage of acquiring a an existing optician practice.


Thriving Business

For new optician practice owners, the first 18 months of ownership is the most critical. By purchasing an existing optician practice, you are investing in one that has likely already made it past this point. Your company’s success depends on multiple different factors, but knowing you’re investing in a business that beat these odds is a tremendous advantage to any new optician practice owner.


Entrepreneurial Freedom

Buying a optician practice may not sound as thrilling as starting your own from the ground up, but you can still implement all of the creative ideas you have. Once you invest in a optician practice and the deal is done, you can make it into your own. Buying an existing optician practice can be just as challenging and rewarding as starting your own.

WeSellOpticians has been helping optician practice buyers throughout United Kingdom buy small or large independent optical practices for decades. We have exciting number of Independent Optician Practices Available For Sale and new opportunities are becoming available on daily basis. We have a proactive customer care team to answer any of your questions.

If you wish to speak to us or have any questions you can contact our Practice Sales Director on:

Safwan Ul Amin
T: 02037332315
E: info@wesellopticians.co.uk

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